
The Rappahannock Animal Welfare League, (RAWL) is a rescue based in Rappahannock County, Virginia.  RAWL is a non-profit corporation that manages the daily operations of the Rappahannock County animal shelter. Partial funding is provided by Rappahannock County, but the majority comes from people like you who love animals!

We provide an energetic adoption program that finds loving homes for the dogs in our care.  We seek to rehabilitate and adopt every dog.  We also have regular rabies clinics and a low-cost spay and neuter program. 

RAWL has made a deep and abiding commitment to saving pet lives, and we depend on your donations to fulfill our mission!

The sanctuary no more shows the types of pooches

The Arizona Animal cover has chosen not to demonstrate the races of its inhabitants with 4 legs to encourage their appropriation. This activity takes after a study by the State University of researchers from Arizona, from which the showcase of specific breeds decreased their engaging quality to potential adopters.
Dog & Puppy Packages The study by Lisa Gunter and his associates at the State University of Arizona has been distributed .

Adopt a Shelter Pet This work concentrated on the connections between the route in which the mutts are appeared on their cards and the length of their stay in safe houses. Subsequently, canines marked as Pitbulls, for instance, invest more energy in safe houses, while those like them, however who are named as Border Collies or St.
Michael Morefield, the asylum Arizona Animal Welfare League in Phoenix, this study strengthened his sureness that "the race is just part of the pooch and it doesn't decide everything. more say the breeds in postings in mutts it offers appropriation.
New shows, more customized, more accentuation on disposition, similarity and past backgrounds of its occupants.
I want a pet The cover would like to quicken the appropriation of pooches experiencing the terrible notoriety that has race.

Tips to buy suitable pet apparel

Fashion has finally reached our little companions in life, our pets. If you love your pet, then you definitely do some fun activities with him. One the most fun things to do with your pet is to play dress up with him. Seeing him wearing red little socks or a small green sweater is surely enjoyable. However, when you are in the process of buying pet clothing dog bedding there are some vital perspectives to consider. Down below all you need to know to buy the perfect clothes for your dog or cat.

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less adoptable pet

Shy Shelter Dog FLIPS OUT After Realizing He's Been Adopted


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